[Team] Soft soft sugar …

Well, this fudge guy isn’t sure about the truth, either. [Team] Soft soft sugar star eyes/huh? That’s right [Team] Soft Soft Sugar Didn’t the little white dragon in Langli just say that he knew everything? [Team] Soft Soft Sugar Let’s pull him into the team and let him continue to talk and slowly put pressure […]

"Hey, you’ve gone too far for such a foul. This is an ordinary attack." Paul is fleshy. If he didn’t hurt the festival, he would be the number one. James obviously said angrily to Ji Guoqiu before throwing himself on the street. Look at Paul’s angry face at the moment. If Ji Guoqiu is not always famous, it is estimated that Paul will be scolded.

"You’d better not come in. My brother is angry and even I’m afraid." Ji Guoshi quickly embellished it and threatened Paul. Paul was so popular by the two men that he made two free throws at the free throw line, but the two brothers thought it was absolutely impossible for him to be afraid of […]

Don’t talk. Wei Yang gently turned his head to let Acacia see his face and smile, hoping to reassure Acacia, and then turned his head to look at those monsters that gathered step by step to the center. Which one of you is the boss?

Uh, acacia rolled her eyes. Why is that so like asking the bandit to be the boss? I’m a monster beast, but it’s strange that I always miss the monster beast, but the monster beast doesn’t think that soon the monster beast group will be divided into a road, and at the end is the […]