
### 成分与功效 生脉的主要成分包括人参、麦冬和五味子。这些成分共同作用,具有以下功效: 1. **益气养阴**:人参大补元气,麦冬滋阴润燥,五味子收敛止汗,三者合用,能够补充人体气血,调和阴阳,对于气阴两虚的症状有很好的改善作用。 2. **复脉固脱**:针对脉微欲绝、心慌气短等症状,生脉能够稳定脉象,增强心脏功能,起到固脱的作用。 ### 临床应用 在临床中,生脉主要用于以下病症的治疗或辅助治疗: 1. **心血管系统疾病**:对于心肌梗死、心源性休克、心律失常等心血管疾病,生脉能够辅助改善症状,增强心脏功能。 2. **气阴两虚症状**:如心悸、气短、四肢厥冷、自汗等,生脉能够缓解这些症状。 3. **休克状态**:在心源性休克、败血性休克等情况下,生脉能够辅助治疗。 ### 注意事项 尽管生脉的功效显著,但在使用时仍需注意以下几点: 1. **个体差异**:生脉的适用性因人而异,具体使用还需遵医嘱。 2. **禁忌人群**:孕妇、新生儿和婴幼儿等特殊人群应禁用生脉。 3. **副作用**:极少数情况下,使用生脉可能引起过敏性皮疹、腰背酸痛、全身乏力、头晕头痛等症状,严重者可能引起过敏性休克。 4. **药物相互作用**:使用生脉时应注意与其他药物的相互作用,特别是那些影响血压和凝血功能的药物。 总之,生脉作为一种传统中药,在益气养阴、复脉固脱等方面具有显著的功效,但在使用时需谨慎,最好在专业医生的指导下进行。


1. **保湿效果**:菲洛嘉的护肤产品,尤其是其含有玻尿酸成分的产品,具有很好的保湿效果。例如,其眼霜质地细腻,易于推开和吸收,能够有效提升肌肤的水润度。 2. **修复与抗衰老**:菲洛嘉的许多产品都含有专利成分NCTF,该成分能够刺激肌肤纤维细胞再生,修复细胞损伤,具有抗衰老的功效。其抗皱面霜等产品能够减少皱纹,提升肌肤紧致度。 3. **淡化细纹与眼袋**:菲洛嘉的眼霜和十全大补面膜等产品,对于淡化细纹和眼袋效果显著。使用后,肌肤会变得更加透亮,细纹和眼袋的情况有所改善。 4. **晒后修复**:菲洛嘉的修复霜在晒伤后的皮肤上表现出色,能够消炎、缓解皮肤红痒,并有助于淡化晒斑。 5. **痘痘与痘印改善**:菲洛嘉的修复霜对于痘印也有一定效果,因为它能够改善色素沉淀问题。 6. **水光针效果**:菲洛嘉的水光针含有20种保湿成分,能够阻止肌肤水分流失,维持长时间的保湿效果。 7. **便捷性**:菲洛嘉的护肤套装,如三合一卸妆润肤水和玻尿酸精华,设计简洁方便,适合出差或旅行时使用。 8. **敏感肌适用**:菲洛嘉的激素脸修复霜等温和产品,适合敏感肌使用,能够修复泛红烂脸等问题。 9. **安全性与研发**:菲洛嘉的产品经过严格研发和测试,如赣南大学医药生物实验室的实验报告和人体皮肤斑贴试验,确保产品的安全性和有效性。 综上所述,菲洛嘉护肤品牌凭借其独特的成分、出色的效果以及科学的研发态度,赢得了消费者的信赖和好评。

"Their feelings are quite deep? ? ?” The peerless daddy wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said that Coca-Cola nodded, but somehow he always felt that the two summoners were in such a hurry to find the ghost tiger’s body, which seemed to be not only because of their deep feelings, but also something strange. After all, in his impression, the most common monster was ruling and being ruled.

In fact, there is another way for them to eat and be eaten. The werewolf rushed to the ghost tiger a few steps faster, and everyone didn’t move. Looking at what unexpected things the werewolf would do, the werewolf just rushed to the body of the ghost tiger. Behind him, the powerful Goblin leader swung […]

The name is prisoner.

I believe that in the future battlefield. Catch. "Milk" Dragon Claw Hand+Ultimate Italian Millennium Kill+Invincible Brick! How powerful! . . . . . . Zhang Tianfeng, Duan Tiancheng, Night Clouds and Martial Arts follow the wind. Four people get together again. Zhang Tianfeng glanced at Wu Fengfeng and said, "Someone, take the initiative." Duan Tiancheng […]

They have no fixed shape. They are described as a mass of evil shadows attached to various objects. When they appear, the temperature around them will drop, and the ground and leaves will show slight frost marks.

The threat of this kind of black people is already very high, especially to the team and the army, which has caused serious threats to the plural targets. The fortress called them’ shapeshifters’ …… Scarlet, the exploration route of Yunjia team on the north side of Sensi, is dozens of kilometers apart, and a temporary […]

At the same time, it is necessary for Mishra to give up the underground lava city. Even if he is a dwarf elder, the whole black dwarf clan will not agree to the Millennium construction to complete the lava city. It is not the case that Chen Kai has built a new city in less than two months. Time and years are the ultimate weapon for carving a city’s defense. The layout of the Millennium defense lava city can be said to be impregnable. Compared with Chen Kai’s earth-rock wall, the lava city wall is the real steel barrier. It is almost impossible to leave a depression in the wall with a strong blow from the sanctuary.

It is impossible for the black dwarves to build an ordinary earth-rock wall and give up running a Millennium steel city. The most important thing is that the natural geographical environment of lava city is very suitable for forging. If they lose the lava city, they will lose a natural melting pot and a large […]

Yang You squinted at the front. He was not interested in Li Yuanji, but it was necessary to dampen his confidence and his self-esteem. He never relented with his opponent Yang You unless he was still valuable, and Li Yuanji was obviously valuable.

Li Yuanji washed it in a hurry, but he didn’t forget to wash the backyard, which attracted two soldiers watching the Sui army laughing. One of them touched Ba thoughtfully. A soldier took out clean clothes from Li Yuanji’s tent, inspected them and handed them to him. Li Yuanji put on his clothes in a […]

"Wait, the world in front of me is really what I got out of the bus accident scene, and I didn’t. I guess it should be another mysterious force that tested you. At that moment, many times you could die, but you came alive. I think the appearance of the bus and the accident scene is not to kill you, but to test you by who and what power. I don’t know, but don’t worry."

The old voice said with a smile, but I was even more shocked. My mouth grew so big that the whole person fell into a state of sluggishness, and my mind kept echoing with the words "I made the world in front of me." Combined with the previous words, the identity of the old voice […]